Feast of Pak Tai

 Apr 18

Performances of Chinese opera are usually held in a mat-shed at the Pak Tai Temple in Taipa village.


According to legend, Pak Tai conquered Demon King, who was terrorizing the universe. As a reward he was given the title of Superior Divinity of the Deep Dark Heaven and True Soldier of the North.

昔日,氹仔島上大部份是漁民,他們對掌管水族的北帝尤其祟拜,所以在當地修建了北帝 廟,它是全澳唯一供奉北帝的廟宇。

As a reward he was given the title of Superior Divinity of the Deep Dark Heaven and True Soldier of the North. Chinese opera is performed by his temple on Taipa.

慶賀北帝誕的傳統還延續到今天,這裡的居民每逢誕期都會在廟前舉行盛大的賀誕活動,包括一連幾晚的神功戲及燒香酬神等活 動,氣氛頗為熱鬧。

resources: http://zh.macaotourism.gov.mo/index.php



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