Park of Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção

Park of Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção extends the green corridor from the Avenida de Amizade across the newly developed landfill area to the bronze Kun Iam statue which stands on its man-made island at the shoreline of the Outer Harbour.


The park features secluded arbours, avenues of palm trees, a children’s playground, fountains, and ornamental ponds. At the foot of the park is a promenade with views of the Outer Harbour, bridges, and Taipa Island.

填海區盡頭對開的人工島上建有觀音像。 園內環境優美,種滿棕櫚樹和灌木。公園的一側設有音樂噴泉,其水柱造型、組合千變萬化;另一側為荷塘拱橋,橋下池水清澈,有鴨子和錦鯉於水中嬉戲,一派悠然自得與人同樂的景象。


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