Ruins of St Paul’s Catheral 大三巴牌坊

Today I’m going to introduce you the most treasured icon in Macau-the Ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral.



It is a early-17th-century Jesuit church.


The Church was one of the largest Catholic Church in Asia.


It built from  1602-1640 by Jesuits, designed by an Italian Jesuit Carlos Spinola.


It was destroyed by a fire for 3times, they were each in 1595, 1601 and 1835.


The last big fire in 1835, it burnt the church only remains the facade and stairs way left.


Nowadays, the Ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral are one of Macau’s best known landmarks, it is a must to go hot spot for tourists.


In 2005, the Ruins were officially listed as part of the historical center of Macau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2005年大三巴成功被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文產, 成為澳門歷史城區的一部分.

Same as La Tour Effel for Paris, when you hear Macau this city name you will directly think about the Ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral .

就像艾菲爾鐵塔之於巴黎, 當你聽到澳門這個城市名你會馬上聯想到大三巴牌坊.

And there are so many very delicious local street food and restaurants near the Ruins, as well as souvenir shops, when you travel to Macau, please you must go and visit the Ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral!



Best regards,


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